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We would like our parents to work alongside school to ensure their children are kept safe online. The Computing curriculum has put a large emphasis on eSafety and at school we work with the children to teach them how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. When we talk about eSafety we are not only referring to the internet. We are also talking about the use of computers, games consoles, mobile phones, televisions and tablets.


#DITTO is a free online safety (e-safety) magazine for schools and parents to keep you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology. A new edition is released approx. every 6 weeks.

Click the link to subscribe latest-newsletter

Apps to be aware of

1. Blaze and the Monster Machines App - recording of app available on link below

This Free App is a game that 'phones' children once they reach a certain level. The phone call they receive is automated but extremely disturbing and could be very distressing to children and young people.

2. Yubo

This App was formerly called 'Yellow', so parents and schools may not realise that it has changed. It has a live streaming feature, which poses a significant risk to young people as they can live stream to strangers and can watch live streams from strangers.

3. Live-streaming apps

See BBC article here, in which an adult woman poses as a 14 year old to investigate the dangers of live streaming apps. Various apps are mentioned in the article to be aware of.

Websites to use with children to explain and discuss:

Think U Know

Think U Know | Hector's World


Websites with useful information for parents:

Click on the links below to download useful guides, which give advice on How to Use a variety of APPs and Websites safely.








Parental Controls for Game Consols: Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo

Parental Controls for Playstation

Parental Controls for Xbox

Parental Controls for Nintendo

E-Safety Documents

 Follow the link for Parenting Contracts to use at home 






Or use the online safety agreement