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We place a strong emphasis on phonics (letter sounds) in the early years of learning to read because we believe this lays the foundations for successful reading. At Joseph Cash, we use the 'Read Write Inc.' guidance to teach interactive lessons. Children work in small groups, with a key adult for phonics learning so that each child is provided with the appropriate level of challenge for each attainment group. Systematic Phonics Teaching

RWI Order of Sounds 

Parent's Learning Zone  

Phonics Screening

During the summer term in Year 1, children nationwide are tested on their phonic knowledge. This test helps us to identify children who have gaps in their phonic knowledge and may need support in Year 2 to develop reading and writing skills. The test is very low-key and the children are not aware that they are being tested. Parents are informed as to whether their child has achieved the national expectation within the child's end-of-year report.

Additional individual and group tuition in phonics will be given to those children in year 1 and Year 2 who find reading difficult. Year 2 children will be tested again in the summer term.



 The Joseph Cash spelling programme uses National Curriculum objectives for each year group alongside Read, Write Inc Units to support teaching and learning. 


 The school's spelling programme also contains common exception words for each year group which the children need to learn for home learning each week. Every week the children from years 1 to 6 will be sent a list of common exception words to learn. When appropriate, children may also be sent additional home spellings to practice to support their learning.