Safeguarding Team
At Joseph Cash we believe that a caring school promotes the welfare, health, safety and guidance of every child. We recognise our statutory duty and pastoral duty to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Procedures and systems are very strong. Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility. Staff are well trained, and they are confident about what to do if they have worries about a pupil’s welfare. Concerns, including any pupil absence, are followed up quickly and with the right people. Leaders know the school’s community well and the issues affecting it. They help families to access support from external sources and organisations. Pupils learn about keeping safe through the curriculum and visitors to school.
Ofsted 2019
Meet the team
Our safeguarding leads and pastoral team have a responsibility to ensure that all concerns are recorded accurately and referred to the appropriate agency quickly to ensure that necessary actions are taken to promote children's welfare. It is also their responsibility to ensure that all staff and volunteers are trained to an appropriate level and are confident in sharing concerns they have with the Lead Designated Person. At Joseph Cash our training takes place at least annually. Each term the Lead Designated Persons meet with the Safeguarding Governor to ensure that they are kept up to date with the developments in Safeguarding. At no point during these meetings are individual cases discussed.

Safeguarding Concerns
Joseph Cash is committed to creating a happy and safe environment for our children to learn. Child Protection is an important subject in which all staff receive regular training. Our priority is to work with you but there may be times when we have to involve other people.
Please click on the images below to view our school policy.
You may also find the following policies useful to support your understanding of safeguarding procedures in our school:
- Medical Needs Policy
- Intimate Care Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Guidance on the use of Reasonable Force
- Attendance Policy
- Collective Worship and Values Policy
- Safer Recruitment Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Computer Security, E-Safety, Acceptable Use and Disaster Recovery Policy
- Use of Photography & Video Recording Policy
- Educational Visits and Trips Policy
- PSCHE Policy
Pupil Welfare
your child's attendance is monitored daily and significant absences are always followed up by the attendance officer.
Joseph Cash has clear behaviour rules for the whole school community that must be followed to keep everyone safe and happy. We understand that children do sometimes fall out and this will be dealt with by an adult who will listen to the children involved and help them to resolve the situation.
The school takes all cases of bullying very seriously and will work with children and families to try and resolve any problems.
Health and Safety
Everyone at Joseph Cash has a responsibility to keep adults and children in a safe environment. The school has a clear health and safety policy which everyone must follow. The school have fully trained first aiders to deal with any accidents in school.
The school recognises that technology plays an important roll in the education of our children and is committed to safeguarding children in the virtual world. The school provides e-safety information to children and parents.
Please visit our school website for more information on these subjects.
Teaching Children about how to keep themselves safe.
Joseph Cash is committed to ensuring every child feels safe and secure both within and beyond our school community. As part of this commitment we feel it is important to actively educate children about ways to stay safe under the wider umbrella of safeguarding.
Our School policy outlines the ways in which we promote the safety and welfare of all pupils and is underpinned by our belief that every child should be able to go to school and feel safe so that they can achieve their very best. Below are some highlighted points from our policy.
- Anybody who works or volunteers at Joseph Cash will be checked by the Police (vetted) to make sure they are safe to work with children and then trained to identify child abuse and what to do if they are concerned.
- We will always listen to you and work closely with you if we are concerned about your child but, sometimes, we may not be able to discuss our concern.
- The school has a child protection and safeguarding policy which tells you more about this and when we must speak to the police or children's services.
- We will help your child to learn about keeping themselves safe. Lessons can include healthy eating, anti-bullying, E-safety, road safety, healthy relationships, drug and alcohol awareness. As part of these lessons your child will be told what to do if they are worried or concerned about their safety.
For more information please refer to our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
How can parents provide support?
Parents are the most important people to keep their children safe. To help school ensure that the welfare of all pupils is fully promoted you should always;
- Feel confident to raise concerns about your child.
- Talk to school if you need help or support.
- Read the school policies about safety issues
- Let the school know if your child has a medical condition
- Let the school know if you have any court orders relating to the safety of your child
- Let the school know if there is a change in your circumstances such as a house move, a new contact number, a change of name, a change of parental responsibility
- Tell us who will be dropping off or collecting your child and two other emergency contacts. You must inform the school of any changes to agreed arrangements.
- Ensure your child attends school on time everyday.
- Let the school know if your child is going to be absent and the reasons why.
- Attend meetings and appointments
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
At Joseph Cash, we commit to promoting social and emotional well-being and responding to mental health problems.
What is social and emotional wellbeing?
The National Children's Bureau says:
social and emotional wellbeing refers to a state of positive mental health and wellness. It involves a sense of optimism, confidence, happiness, clarity, vitality, self-worth, achievement, having a meaning and purpose, engagement, having supportive and satisfying relationships with others and understanding oneself and responding effectively to one's own emotions.
What are mental health problems?
The National Children's Bureau says:
"mental health problems refers to a wide range of mental health, emotional and social challenges, difficulties and conditions that can beset both staff and pupils, including stress and burnout, anxiety, depression, attachment difficulties and behavioural problems.
Why should we focus on this now?
The Department for Education and the Department for Health are committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The DfE published a document; Mental health and behaviour in schools which outlines some shocking statistics:
- One in ten children aged 5-16 has a clinically diagnosed mental health disorder
- One in seven has a less severe problem.
The Department for Health document 'Future in Mind' expects schools to be active partners in developing emotional resilience and wellbeing to try to address, in particular, the less severe problems at an early stage.
in order to help their pupils succeed, schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy.
Evidence (from Public Health England and the DfE) suggests that the impact of supporting emotional wellbeing is significant:
- Pupils who are confident about learning and have a 'growth mindset' persist when faced with challenges.
- Pupils who can set goals, manage stress and organise their school work achieve higher grades.
- Pupils who use problem solving skills to overcome obstacles do better academically.
- Pupils with better emotional wellbeing make more progress in primary school.
- Pupils with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school wellbeing, on average, have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school life.
Useful Websites & Resources:
- Supporting Children's Mental Health Leaflet
- Understanding the Sexual Development of Children Under 5
- Understanding the Sexual Development of 5 to 11 Year Olds
What should I do if I am worried about a child?
If you have a concern about the safety of a child, you can come and talk to a member of staff in school or use one of the following contacts to voice your concerns;
Coventry Local Safeguarding Board
Police: 999
Referral and Assessment Service Coventry
Referral and Assessment Team: 024 7678 8555
Social worker out of office hours: 024 7683 2222
Police Child Abuse Investigation Team: 024 7653 9044
Or call one of the following for advice:
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
Child Line (for children and young people) 0800 1111
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency

Contact our 'Safeguarding Team' on 02476 594851
Community Support Services
The following agencies are able to offer support or information to families who may be experiencing difficulties.
Provide advice and practical support for single parents. Expert advisers answer our helpline, this website is packed full of useful information and we offer training too. We also campaign to improve the lives of all single parent families. Gingerbread are a national charity, it's all free.

BRANCAB (Bedworth, Rugby and Nuneaton Citizens Advice Bureau) is leading the Building Better Opportunities Breakthrough Programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund supported by a multi-agency team made up of core local delivery partners . Over the next two years, Breakthrough will help 525 out of work people across Coventry and Warwickshire to tackle the financial barriers they face to gaining and sustaining employment, to accessing education and training, and taking a full and active role in their local community.

Kidscape is committed to keeping children safe from abuse. Kidscape is the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. Kidscape believes that protecting children from harm is key.
Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice Bureau give free advice on your rights; debt; housing and other legal matters.
Step Change
Step Change are a team of debt experts help over 410,000 people a year across the UK to overcome their debt problems, and get their lives back on track.
Today people across the UK will struggle to feed themselves and their families. Redundancy, illness, benefit delay, domestic violence, debt, family breakdown and paying for the additional costs of heating during winter are just some of the reasons why people go hungry. Our school can distribute foodbank vouchers, please see a member of our pastoral team.
Recovery Partnership
The Recovery Partnership understand that substance misuse affects not just the individual, but the whole family. The impact upon the parents/carers and family of an individual's substance misuse problems can also be significant. At The Recovery Partnership, we strive for a family focussed approach. Either at assessment or during treatment an individual client may find it useful to be accompanied by a family member either for support or in order for the worker to discuss their treatment with a family member.

Respect: men and women working together to end domestic violence. Respect is a membership organisation and develop, deliver and support effective services for:
* Male and Female perpetrators of domestic violence
*Young people who use violence and abuse at home and in relationships
*Men who are victims of domestic violence
* Local help if you or a friend are experiencing domestic violence and abuse
In an emergency always dial 999
Coventry Haven
Coventry Haven
A charity organisation that ensures safety and empowerment for women and children who are experiencing Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) in any form.
If you would like support from 'Coventry Haven' you can visit our RED bus or call: 024 7644 4077 24 hours a day, or visit the website for more information.
Valley House

Valley House believes everyone should have the chance to live a happy and fulfilling life. We work with disadvantaged people and families in and around Coventry. Our services help people struggling with issues such as homelessness, depression and unemployment to get their lives back together, become independent, and look forwards to a brighter future.
Telephone: 024 7626 6280 during office hours or 0800 328 9084 for emergency overnight accommodation-
Panahghar Safe House

Panahghar aims to promote physical and emotional health, well-being and personal growth opportunities by providing *Supported temporary housing
* Advice, information, advocacy & counselling
* Children's services
* Comprehensive training & self-development
* Publicity & awareness-raising
* Group work & family therapy
0800 055 6519 24 hours a day, or visit the website for more information

IAPT - Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
For further information about any of the IAPT services, please contact :
Telephone: 0845 521 6100