Inclusion Team
Inclusion Team
At Joseph Cash Primary School, we believe strongly in the absolute inclusion of all pupils in our care, regardless of their background, ability, language, gender, ethnicity, special needs or disability.
Joseph Cash Primary School is committed to meeting the needs of every pupil at the school. We have high expectations of all pupils whatever their needs and abilities and teach a creative, inclusive and enriched curriculum that helps every child reach his or her potential.
Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are highly valued and respected at Joseph Cash and are supported by dedicated, skilled and motivated teachers and support staff. We work hard to ensure that a child’s individual challenges are addressed and monitored so that every child makes progress, both academically and emotionally.
Inclusion Team
Our Inclusion Team is led by Mrs Francioso, our Assistant Headteacher. Mrs Scott our Deputy Headteacher oversees the provision offered for all pupils with additional needs including those with special needs, those who have Education, Health and Care plan, those who are disadvantaged and those who have English as an Additional Language. Mrs Scott also leads the assessment for teaching and learning and offers insight into where provision is most effective and may best be targeted.
Mrs Francioso is our school SENCo and she is supported by Mrs Littler who is our assistant SENCo. They have a critical role to play in ensuring that children with special educational needs and disabilities within our school receive the support they need. SENCO stands for "Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Mrs Cooper is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the school's policy and will co-ordinate additional support for pupils with SEN and liaise with their parents, teachers and other professionals who are involved with them. Mrs Littler has responsibility for requesting the involvement of our Educational Psychologist and other external services particularly for children who require additional support to make progress, this also includes general SEN assessments, administration and parental support.
There are a number of learning support assistants that are also part of our 'Overcoming Barriers" team and are experienced and exemplar Teaching Assistants. Their roles are wide and varied and aim to support our SEND and vulnerable pupils to access a broad and rich. Our SEND provision significantly enriches the quality of support and education offered to many of our children.