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The School Day

Years 1-6

Total Time in a typical week - 6 hours 35 mins per day.  32 hours 55 mins in an average week. 

The UK government expects all state-funded schools to offer a minimum of 32.5 hours per week.


Before School 

Breakfast club is available from 8am. This is a childcare facility which cost £3.00 children get to take part in a rage of games and have a healthy breakfast. 



Children have tasks too do as they come into the classroom. If anyone was unable to have breakfast at home, we can provide some toast, cereal bar or cereal.

The Register is taken at 8.40am. Anyone who comes to school after 9:55am has to enter through the 'late gate' and sign in using our online system and give a reason why they are late. Lateness is monitored and parents are spoken to when this happens regularly. 

Assembly takes place daily, either at the start of end of the day.

Monday - Family Groups and PSHE class session.

Tuesday - Whole School Assembly (Values/ Oracy/ OPAL/ Singing focus)

Wednesday - Family Groups 

Thursday - Welby class Assembly

Friday - Whole School Awards Assembly and Family Groups.

 The Morning Session 


The majority of mornings are spent with children learning subjects based around their core skills. Maths, English, Phonics and Reading. See the Curriculum section for more information. 

One morning a week all classes have an Enrichment morning where their learning is based around PE, Computing and Arts or Music skills. 

Across the school year all pupils in Yrs 1-6 will also have a block of Violin lessons, a block of flute lessons and a block of Forest School sessions. 



Reception 12:30-1:30pm

Year 1 & 2 12.30am-1.30pm 

Year KS2 12pm-1pm

The whole school have 'Family Service', where dinner is served at the tables. Pupils are encouraged to be independent pouring heir own drinks and setting their cutlery out.  


At lunchtimes there is range of activities for children to take part in. We follow the OPAL approach to play.

There is a variety of resources and play equipment on the playground. The playground is split into zones for example, Muddy Kitchen, scooters and bikes, craft area, small world area, ball play. 

The Library is also open daily for pupils to access, children may choose to stay inside read a book or play on the iPads. 

We also have a variety of clubs running during lunchtime. 

The Afternoon Session 

The register is taken in the classroom, children then go straight to their afternoon learning.  

Across the week children will access a range of different subjects through their afternoon lessons, including Science and the Creative Curriculum

The day will often end with children listening to class story. 

Home Time

The school day ends at 3.15pm and parents collect children from their classrooms, designated doors or playground.  


Home Walkers 

Only pupils in Year 6 are allowed to walk home alone (from the Summer Term) if we have had a signed permission slip from parent or guardian. 

After School

Our After School runs daily from 3.15pm-4pm, children will receive  snack and be able to play with a range of resources. 

We also have a variety of sports and learning clubs taking place after school. Information will be shared with parents prior to club running.







Breakfast club is available from 8am. This is a childcare facility which cost £3.00 children get to take part in a rage of games and have a healthy breakfast.  

Reception start at 8.40am. Children in Little Ribbons and Nursery  start at 8:30 and are encouraged to self-register and then are able to 'Get Learning' immediately in the environment. If a child is struggling to settle, parents are invited in to support with the transition. 

The afternoon session for Nursery will be from 12:30pm - 3:30pm

Children in Reception begin their day with a morning activity on their class carpet. This includes: reading for pleasure book, name writing, word building, numeral writing or questions to discuss with a partner. 

The Register is taken at 8.40am. Anyone who comes to school after this time has to enter through the front office and sign in using our online system and give a reason why they are are late. Lateness is monitored and parents are spoken to when this happens regularly. 

Hooks for Learning

Every Week, the staff enhance the environment to ensure that the children have the opportunity to explore different activities planned to support their learning and development. The hooks for learning are all centred around a chosen text for that week. Children have the opportunity to listen to the story being read to them every day and have activities set-up in different areas to engage them into their learning. 

Little Ribbons

Children in Little Ribbons are invited to join a snack time group.

During this time, children sing a welcome hello song and begin to communicate with other children in their group. The staff share the book of the week whilst children independently choose their snack. 

The majority of the session in Little Ribbons is play-based. Children have the opportunity to learn through play activities (we call this 'Get Learning' time)  linked to the current theme but exposing the children to a language-rich environment. Children are encouraged to share resources and begin to communicate in either verbal or non-verbal ways

During every session, children will have the opportunity to explore the outdoor provision. The outdoor environment mirrors the different areas of the inside provision, however, it also supports the development of the children's gross motor skills, e.g. bikes, tyres, trim trail, mops, brushes etc. 

Nursery Ribbons

Nursery provision continues a play-based curriculum, however, the children are encouraged to learn in small key-worker groups for funky fingers, discovery time and story time. 

Funky Fingers: Children participate in different activities to develop fine motor skills (e.g. snips in paper, threading, tweezers) or gross motor skills (dough gym, dance workouts, lying down mark making). 

Discovery Time: During these sessions, children will have the opportunity to share ideas and participate in group activities. These sessions include activities such as: exploration of number and shape, resources linked to their theme, PSED questions to discuss. 

Story Time: At the end of every session, children will share the class text. This same class text is repeated each day to build up children's understanding of key texts. Each story time will have a different objective, e.g. prediction, recall, comprehension, alternative endings. 

Similarly to Little Ribbons, children will have the opportunity to 'Get Learning' in the outdoor provision. As the year progresses, children will begin to social and communicate with the Reception children and Staff too. 

During the Summer Term, children in Nursery who are ready will begin participating in a daily phonics session. As a school, we use the RWI phonics programme. Children will begin to learn the first sounds within this programme: masdtin


 Children continue their EYFS journey in our Reception provision. The children still spend large parts of the day in 'Get Learning time', they have the opportunity during free-flow sessions to choose to learning in the indoor provision, outdoor provision or both.

Hook for Learning: Every Week, the staff enhance the environment to ensure that the children have the opportunity to explore different activities planned to support their learning and development. The hooks for learning are all centred around a chosen text for that week. Children have the opportunity to listen to the story being read to them every day and have activities set-up in different areas to engage them into their learning. 

Children in Reception, however, will participate in daily Maths Sessions. These happen everyday (apart from a Tuesday) at 9 am. Children have an opportunity to learn Maths in practical ways using a variety of resources to support their learning. Children are encouraged to then practise these learnt skills during their independent 'Get Learning' times. 

In addition to Maths, children will participate in a daily phonics session. Children are assessed using the RWI assessments half-termly and learn in specific groups to support their phonics learning journey. During these sessions, children will learn new sounds and then have an opportunity to use these sounds when orally blending, reading words (real and non-sense), writing sounds, words and eventually sentences. 

During the Spring Term, children will begin to participate in a daily guided reading session. These reading sessions are led by their phonics teacher and complement their phonics teaching. All of the books used during these sessions are fully-decodable. As well as reading words within these books, children are encouraged to make predictions and justify their opinions when sharing with the group.  They have the opportunity to link what they have read to their own real-life experiences as well as answer comprehension questions about what they have read. 

 In the afternoons, children will participate in a discovery time group. During these sessions, will have the opportunity to learn about the world around them. 

Every day finishes with the class story and nursery rhymes. This same class text is repeated each day to build up children's understanding of key texts. Each story time will have a different objective, e.g. prediction, recall, comprehension, alternative endings. 

Enrichment: Once a week, all children in Reception have the opportunity to participate in a forest school session. The children develop self-care skills by getting themselves appropriately dressed in the outdoor overalls and wellies. Children then explore our natural outdoor forest area whilst learning all about nature. 

Lunch times: Wrap-around Nursery and Reception

Nursery Wrap-around: 11.30am-12.15pm 

Children eat at the tables in the Reception class. After the children have eaten. they are able to continue their play within the environment. 

Reception: 12:30 -1:30 pm.

The children in Reception have 'Family Service', where dinner is served at the tables. After eating their lunch, children join KS1 on the outside playground.

At lunchtimes there is range of activities for children to take part in. We follow the OPAL approach to play.

There is a variety of resources and play equipment on the playground. The playground is split into zones for example, Muddy Kitchen, scooters and bikes, craft area, small world area, ball play.


After-School Provision (Aged 3 Years +)

Our After School runs daily from 3.15pm-4pm, children will receive  snack and be able to play with a range of resources. 

Please speak with the admin team if you require more information.