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Parking & Road Safety

Parking Outside of our School

Poor and inconsiderate parking close to schools can place children at risk.

Most accidents involving children outside schools occur when a child has their sight obscured by parked cars. Parking restrictions and marked areas on the roads are there for a reason – to keep children safe. The safest option when dropping off or picking your kids up is to park away from the school and take a short walk to the gates.

If you MUST park near to school and space is limited, please follow the rules:

  • Do not park on zig-zag lines or keep clear markings
  • Do not park across dropped kerbs or drives
  • Do not park on footpaths
  • Do not stop to drop kids off in the centre of the road
  • Always abide by the restriction signs – park only in permitted areas
  • Please park safely and be considerate of children and residents by not causing an obstruction

Traffic Wardens will be patrolling our school and can now issue parking tickets using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras.

They are using a car fitted with an ANPR camera to drive around the city to issue parking tickets to vehicles we see illegally parked. People won’t know they have been issued with a ticket until they receive it in the post. But the car will be collecting photographic evidence of illegal parking and the fine will be £70.

Parking Services Team

Telephone: Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Our most busy times are Mondays and daily 12 noon-2pm.

Tel: 024 7683 3400

Email: parkingappeals@coventry.gov.uk

Coventry City Council
P.O Box 3943