In Reception, We send out home learning weekly matched to their children's interests and their next steps in learning. Parents are encouraged to complete the home learning challenges in their Home learning books or to email over any photographs or learning to A sample of this amazing home learning is added on to the display in EYFS or copied in the learning journals.
Autumn 2019
Previous Home Learning Activities
Life Experience Challenges
We love receiving all of your photos and observations from home. Here are some challenges for you to do as a family. Please take photos and send them into us so that we can share what you have been up to
Help cook a meal
You could cut up the vegetables, wash the salad, mix the ingredients, dish out the dinner onto the plates. Set the table ready for your family.
Visit the library
Can you find a non-fiction book at the library? What information does it tell you? |
Helping my family with the shopping.
You could write a shopping list before you go to take with you. |
Washing up
You can add the washing up liquid and scrub the plates clean.
Family Celebrations
You can travel around Coventry in lots of different ways. The train goes really fast and the bus stops at lots of different places. |
Spring Term Reading Questions
Spring TBQ's linked to interests/ Next steps in learning
Please help me to learn the letter names that match the spoke sounds :)
Help me play this game
We have been retelling 'The Gingerbread Man' and we've realised that there are some really tricky words in the opening sentences when trying to write the story. Can you help me read and write these words?
New Targets are out now to support your child at home. Please use the 'tips' to support you. As always, you are welcome to speak to the staff every morning during 'Rise and Shine' if you would like more support. We look forward to seeing the children's progress :)