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Junior Leadership Team 

We believe that all children should have opportunities to develop their leadership skills at Joseph Cash Primary School whether this be through small group activities within their own classroom, supporting younger children or leading across the whole school. We believe it is important for all our children to be given the opportunity to be a leader and have the chance to share their views about our school in line with British Values.

School Prefects

The school prefects play an important role in the day-to-day organisation of our school. The prestigious role of prefects is only offered to year six pupils and they must go through a rigorous selection process to become a prefect. The final decision on who is successful and what role they will take on is made by SLT. The prefects at our school are very proud of the positions that they hold and always demonstrate impeccable behaviour so that others can learn from them. This year we have restructured our team to include a Prime Minister, Head boy/ Head Girl, enrichment leaders and reading leaders. In addition to this, we have an ICT team made up of 3 school prefects to assist in assemblies and capturing special events.  All the prefects are willing to go above and beyond expectation to ensure adults and children alike are happy and feel welcome.

 School Council 

Unlike the application process for the role of prefects, school council members are elected by their peers in a more democratic process. The children within the council have elect members to take on specific roles such as: chair, vice- chair, secretary and treasurer. The school council meets fortnightly to discuss children's views on school matters such as the behaviour system, fundraising events and competitions. At school council meetings, we decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen. The school council also work alongside other schools to represent the school in national events and deliver assemblies about these events and religious festivals.  

Roles and responsibilities