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Paul Western joined governors this afternoon to support us in understanding recent OFSTED updates and the new inspection framework. 

Aims of the session included:

-Opportunities to explore the new  inspection framework 

-Highlight key changes and the main areas of focus

-Consider what questions inspector may ask governors

Information can be found on https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/inspecting-the-curriculum


The new framework puts the real substance of education at the heart of the inspection and supports leaders and teachers who act with integrity.... We want them to spend their time teaching and making a real difference to children's lives, which is why they enter the profession in the first place. Our goal is simple: to be a force for improvement through inspections. 

Amanda Spielman, May 2019

Paul explained that the curriculum will be at the heart of the inspections and discussed the new 'quality of education' judgement. 

-Separation of behaviour/personal development

-Meeting the needs of all learners - expectation that all learners will receive high-quality, ambitious education

-Discouraging teaching to test - a more balanced approach with less emphasis on attainment and progress information. Inspectors will not look at internal assessment information. 

-A more coherent and connected conversation linking together a wide range of evidence

Process of inspection

-School will be informed on the previous day

-Section 5 - 2 day inspection

-Section 8 - 1 day inspection - Focus will be on quality of education and safeguarding

- Report will be published within 30 days

Quality of education


-Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness


- Curriculum delivery 

- Teaching - contribution to delivering the curriculum as intended

-Assessment (Formative and summative) Is it meaningful?


-Attainment and progress


Intent - What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum?

Implementation - How is our curriculum delivered?

Impact - What difference is our curriculum making?

Deep Dive

- Evaluation of senior leaders intent for the curriculum

-Evaluation of curriculum leaders' long and medium-term thinking and planning, including the rationale for content choices 

- Visits to a deliberately and explicitly connected of lessons sample of lessons

- Work scrutiny 

-Discussions with teachers to understand how the curriculum informs their choices and content and sequencing

 -Discussions with groups of pupils from the lessons observed

Personal Development 

*Spiritual, moral and cultural development         *Character           *Fundamental British Values          *Healthy living

*Careers guidance           *Citizenship         *Preparation for next stage

Behaviour and Attitudes

*High expectations, consistent and fair implementation      *Attitudes to learning       *Behaviour          *Exclusions 

*Attendance           *Bullying and harassment 

Leadership and Management

*Vision, ethos and ethics        *Staff development            *Staff workload and well-being           *Parental engagement         

*Use of pupil premium      *Off-rolling         *Governance       *Safeguarding

Safeguarding will still be judged whether it is effective or ineffective


-Focus on 3 core functions:

*Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction

*Holding leaders to account for educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

*Overseeing the financial performance of the school, including pupil premium

-Ensuring compliance with statutory and contractual arrangements

-Providing a high quality education for all pupils


Discussion   →   Observe    →    Documentation   →    Information


Information for governors can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governance-handbook

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