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Governors - Teaching and Learning

Governors met tonight for our second teaching and learning presentation of the year. 

Mrs Adams (KS2) and Mrs Davies (KS1) presented their intent, implementation and impact of the changes to the Humanities curriculum

The journey so far...

-Appointed subject leads for History, Geography and RE

-Curriculum review started

-Established the intent 

-Action planning.

-A thematic approach (We are Historians, We are Innovators and We are Geographers)


 To provide a knowledge rich and purposeful curriculum which puts children at the centre and harnesses the special history of our locality. Through creative and inspirational learning opportunities, our curriculum will excited the imagination of our pupils, secure their aspirations and develop their capital cultural. 


Below is an example of a History yearly overview

Staff now plan using a new medium term document which maps out the national curriculum objects and also links to other subjects in school. 

 Each child has a knowledge organiser at the beginning of their theme.

Pupil Voice

Children are able to articulate what they are learning 

We have more knowledge now... Romans invented lots of things like aqueducts, public bath and roads


The Anglo-Saxons travelled here from different countries like Scandinavia because their own country flooded and they needed to find somewhere new to live


I really like the timeline in my knowledge organisers. Its really useful!

Staff Voice

The knowledge organisers are really useful and purposeful. The children enjoy looking at them. Our topic is interesting and it's good to recap on prior learning as it links with their previous topics

Religious Education

We reviewed our RE curriculum to ensure our children have a bespoke curriculum in line with the National Curriculum and Sacre requirements as well as being a best fit.


RE is now taught weekly across the school and there are clear expectations of knowledge and skills for each group through progression trackers and knowledge organisers.



Key celebrations are now taught at the correct time to ensure children can really immerse themselves in the festivals. 

Our learning is more detailed now and we are learning more. I like learning about different religions. I can find out what my friends believe!


Monitoring and book looks show clear improvement in the quality of curriculum offer

RE is now being taught regularly in all year groups

Next Steps for the curriculum

'We are Geographers' focus in Summer Term

Book Looks

Governors had the opportunity to look at children's books in Humanities and Religious Education


Coventry Poverty Action Group

Richard Barrie from Child Poverty Action Group  also presented to governors about the work he has been doing in school in the last couple of weeks. Coventry LA have been tackling financial barriers to learning and poverty stigma in schools. 


Joseph Cash are now participating in the project. 


About the project

- Direct work in schools

-Advice and support


-Practice gathering and sharing with other schools

- Collaborative approach

Parents pend on average £800 a year on school resources

Cost of the school day

There are an estimated 16,140 (21.2%) children living in poverty before housing costs and 24, 931 (32.7%) after housing costs taken into account.

Coventry is moving away from deprivation. In 2015, Coventry LA ranked 59th and 81st in 2019 out of 317 local authorities. 

 The Process

Ground work ------ Information gathering  -------- Analysis  -------  Action

Richard and Kirsty have met with staff and pupils across the school to gather their opinions.


Governors have been asked to complete a survey too