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Resources - English Presentation

Governors started off with an English presentation from Assistant Head Teacher Mrs Nettey and Accelerated Lead, Mrs Adams.

Mrs Nettey explained that the English curriculum had been redesigned

to compliment OFSTED's new 3 I's (Intent, Implementation and Impact).

Previously, English had been taught using 'Talk 4 Writing' strategies and this had proved really successful. As the children have moved throughout the school staff felt that English was becoming too prescriptive and children were becoming dis-engaged with reading and writing. 

Mrs Nettey researched other ways of teaching English and decided to trial run a new approach to English in Summer 2 last year with the current year 6's. Staff voice, pupil voice and progress in writing was overwhelmingly positive that this new approach was rolled out to Key Stage Two in September. 

Governors have spent a lot of money over the last year purchasing key texts for every child. 

English is now taught using a text for the whole of the half-term/term. Each child in key stage two has access to their own copy and all English lessons are centred around this text. 

Key texts were carefully selected by Mrs Nettey in Summer 2 last year and as the year has gone on, some texts have been changed to suit to needs of our children. Texts, where possible, are linked to their creative curriculum theme. This allows children to transfer skills between sessions and children are able to talk confidently about how themed learning supports their English lessons.


In the last chance hotel, Seth was being blamed for a crime that he didn’t do and I was wondering about the punishments and linked these to how Seth may have been punishment (stretching your limbs). Anne Boleyn had injustice as they were blaming her for something she didn’t do. As I was reading about Seth, I imagined that he would have felt how Anne Boleyn felt by being blamed with something he hadn’t done!

said Umme in Year 5. 

Pupil voice has been so positive throughout the year and English has given children a purpose for learning English at school. We have used social-media across the school to connect with authors to inspire the children to read and write. 

 Mrs Nettey shared twitter posts from the year      

Mrs Nettey shared the positive impact that social media is having on inspiring our children to read and write. Nicki Thornton (Year 5 key text author) came to visit us in November and has kept in contact with the children. The impact of her visit inspired year 5 to write the next chapter of her book.

Mrs Nettey shared a recording of one of the pupils reading his chapter. Children are excited to write and are building up stamina when writing at length.

Mrs Nettey shared a recent pupil voice document which is overwhelmingly positive with children's responses. 

Mrs Adams, Accelerated Reading Lead presented on the positive changes that AR is having on reading across the school.




            Mrs Adams shared the AR intent with governors. 





Mrs Adams explained that at the beginning of the year (and then every term) the children in Year 2-6 complete a reading test which gives them their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). This allows the children to select books which match their ability with decoding (reading of the words) and comprehension (understanding what they have read). 

Once a child has read their home reading book, they complete a quiz testing their comprehension. Mrs Adams explained that children should be getting 80% of their questions complete each time. 

Mrs Adams shared lots of success stories with one child increasing their ZPD by 5 years in the last 6 months.

I love answering the questions about the books and I love seeing how the sunflower fills up when I get more points!

says Deniz.

Mrs Adams shared the exciting news that Joseph Cash has now been chosen as a champion school in Accelerated Reading. 

Champion schools are Accelerated Reader customers who demonstrate best practice when using the products to support children’s learning

Joseph Cash were approached by the AR team and Mrs Nettey and Mrs Adams were interviewed about the success that AR has had on our pupils,

Your feedback clearly demonstrates that Joseph Cash Primary School use the products with the utmost consideration and care for your pupils, it seems only fitting to go ahead and ask your school to be a beacon of best practice.

What an exciting opportunity! 

Mrs Adams in now running a competition for the first word millionaire at Joseph Cash. She has challenged the children to read as many books (and take the quizzes) as they can to see who can read a million words first!

Mrs Nettey ended the presentation with some fantastic news that Joseph Cash have been shortlisted for 'English Team of the Year' for the TES awards!