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Governors welcomed our new parent governor, Selina Read tonight. If you would like to discuss any issues or concerns, please see Selina (Children in Reception and Year Two) or Stephan (child in Year Three).

Assistant Head Teacher, Laura Healy presented to governors on the impact of 'Maths: No problem' since it's launch in September. She started by testing their knowledge using a Year 4 anchor task asking them to solve the problem on the board. Fortunately, the governors were able to solve it successfully. 

Mrs Healy explained the concepts of why Singapore Maths is so successful worldwide and how it relates specifically to the national curriculum focusing closely on Fluency, reasoning and solving problems.

The three important concepts are

Teaching of mastery - differentiated activities, problem solving. Concrete, pictorial and abstract.


Mrs Healy explained a typical lesson structure for a Maths lesson at Joseph Cash;

*Chanting: Number bonds or Times Tables

*MOT (Maths on Track): 10 minute arithmetic/fluency focus

*Anchor task: A hook or problem to engage the children and promote mathematical thinking

*Let's learn: Feedback on the anchor task and looking at the various ways people solve it.

*Guided practice: Children have-a-go with the support of the teacher

*Independent Practice: Children apply their learning independently in their workbook

*Dong Nao Jin (Use your brain in Chinese): A twist on the learning from the lesson - Can the children apply their learning in a different situation?


Children are showing an increased engagement and confidence in pupils across the school and are using a higher level of thinking to solve problems. Mrs Healy shared staff voice,

I have definitely increased in confidence. Probably since noting the difference it has made on the children. 

The children are also showing a positive attitude too. A year 5 pupil explains,

I like Maths because it challenges us by using our growth mindset

Governors had the opportunity to look through some of the work books and Maths journals. 


Chair of Governors, Corrine says,

What is really positive is the impact on staff and children.

 Thank you for sharing the success of Maths: No problem at Joseph Cash!