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Teaching and Learning March

The Governors meeting started tonight with a presentation led by Key Stage Two Assistant Head Teacher, Mrs Smith. Mrs Smith shared how the team have raised standards in writing over the last few months in Year 6. Mrs Smith explained that writing is still done in school and moderated across the city using the 'Teacher Assessment Framework'. Children can either be, 'working towards, working at or working beyond age related expectations'. 

Year Six have been learning all about MacBeth during English lessons. Children were will be encouraged to write extended pieces of writing to build up their stamina. 

Working towards the expected standard

*Write for a range of purposes

*Use paragraphs to organise ideas

*Describe settings and characters

*Simple devices to structure writing

*Spell correctly most words from the 3/4 spelling list and some words from 5/6 spelling list

*Write legibly 

Working at the expected standard

*Write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting the language that shows good awareness of the reader

*Describe settings, characters and atmosphere

*Integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance action

*Select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires

*Use a range of devices to build cohesion

*Use verb tenses consistently and correctly throughout their writing

*Use the range of punctuation taught at Key Stage Two mostly correctly

*Spell correctly most words from the 5/6 spelling list and use a dictionary to check the spelling of uncommon and more ambitious vocabulary. 

*Maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed.

Working at Greater Depth

*Write effectively for a range of purposes and audience, selecting the appropriate form and drawing independently on what they have read as model for their own writing.

*Distinguish between language and speech and writing and choose the appropriate register

*Exercise an assured and conscious control over levels of formality, particularly through manipulating grammar and vocabulary to achieve this. 

Look at the amazing writing from one of our children at Joseph Cash


Super writing, Year 6!

 Mrs Scott presented to governors the changes to the curriculum at Joseph Cash, following on from the draft OFSTED handbook.

Mrs Scott asked governors to note down questions that they would like more information on. Mrs Scott shared the comments from Amanda Speilman about ensuring that children have the opportunity to experience a full curriculum.  OFSTED will be looking past the data to see what rich experiences the children will be having at school. Staff have been sharing ideas about how we are ensuring that the children are meeting the broad and balanced curriculum and how it related to our school context. We are being challenged to think about the design, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum and ensuring that all leaders have a thorough understanding of the skills progression from nursery to year 6. 

What do you think?

It's good and it is clear!

 What do you remember from your school days? What would our children say?

Our curriculum will ensure that we are meeting the following;

Intent: What is the purpose? What are we offering our children at Joseph Cash?

Implementation: How are we going to do that to ensure breadth and coverage? 

Impact: What is the impact on pupils and how do we know?

Melanie explained,

You are already thinking about aspirations for the children and I've seen it in the classroom.

We want our curriculum to be customised, personalised and designed to build upon the experiences and backgrounds of pupils at Joseph Cash.