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We believe that P.E. is an integral part of the curriculum, allowing children to experience various sporting activities and competing at different levels and abilities both in and outside the school. All pupils have P.E. each week and this is taught by a PE specialist . We encourage all children to participate in all lessons and events and offer a varied range of activities to suit all abilities. Through our connections with sport agencies and local teams, we offer a large number of after-school sporting activities, inter school competitions and talent schemes. 

We have been awarded the Youth Sport Trust 'Recognition' certificate for our commitment to engaging as many pupils as possible in the different levels encouraged by the school games this year.


PE School Overview 





Check out our staff video below of the different challenges:

When you have completed the activities, send a clear photo of your score card to school@josephcash.coventry.sch.uk

We will then count up the points to find the winning JCP Olympics team!

PE Sports Competitions 

Please follow the link below to find further information on school sports competitions. 


PE Sports Competitions 


 Nursery and Early Years

We recognise that the physical development of pupils is an essential part of learning. Within the Early Years' children have continual access to large climbing equipment, bikes scooters, balls, and large building blocks so that they become confident in using gross motor skills.  Teachers plan a range of activities to develop fine motor skills and children take part in a daily 'funky fingers' session that focuses on building muscles for writing. Our overarching aim is that by the end of their time in Reception, children have good control and co-ordination in large and small movements and that they move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. In addition to this pupils have 1 taught PE lesson inside focusing on dance or gymnastics weekly and learn to use various pieces of apparatus.


     KS1 follows a continued cycle of fundamental multi skills including agility, balance and coordination. These skills are taught both in isolation and through team games, gymnastics and dance, in a variety of ways. We encourage and motivate all children to participate during the sessions and we offer a broad curriculum to enable all children to feel motivated and comfortable in all areas of P.E.


 KS2 follow an annual cycle of activities which provide the opportunity for the children to continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways. These are taught in both isolation and through competitive games, athletics, gymnastics, dance and outdoor adventurous activities. All children in Year 3 are given the opportunity to learn how to swim and then given a top up programme in year 4 to further develop their swimming skills. In year 5, the children participate in the Coventry Council Bike-ability programme, they learn how to ride a bike safely and the rules of the road before heading out into the local area to practise their road safety skills.

Throughout the year, there are regular opportunities for all the children to participate in both inter- school (through Coventry Games Network) and intra-school competitions, as well as opportunities for the children compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best through our termly multi-skills challenges.

Extra-Curricular Coaching

Throughout the year, we offer a wide range of after-school and lunchtime clubs including, Boccia, Table tennis, Football, Dance, Quad Athletics,

Multi-skills and TAG Rugby.